Our firm has a long and proud record of protecting the interests of our clients and their families, and rather than providing extensive details about how these things are accomplished, I’d prefer to explain some of the values we believe are important at this time of your life.
- The importance of fair and accurate advice cannot be understated in family law matters.
- The outcome of legal proceedings can be both expensive and heart breaking where incorrect or unnecessarily biased advice is provided.
- With decades of experience and a reputation of delivering fair outcomes for families, I am able to provide you with the information, the ability and the authority to deliver the most appropriate outcome for your situation.
- Our initial consultation generally takes up to 2 hours. I feel that this amount of time is essential for me to accurately appreciate all aspects of your family and the circumstances in which you find yourself.
- During this time, I will guide you past common pitfalls, explain legal concepts and provide an appropriate direction to your family and property settlement.
Above all else we value those in the family that require the most protection. Usually this is the children. Where appropriate, we are committed to ensuring that all children have a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with both of their parents.
- To this end we actively seek out alternatives to litigation, such as mediation and counselling options either with or without legal representation.
- We remain committed to the maxim that, Court is a last resort.
Child Support
- Unfortunately, the area of child support has become a complex and difficult to understand part of the breakdown of families. Often the letters sent to parents are difficult to decipher and this can lead to incorrect amounts of child support being collected.
- Where necessary, I am able to act as your representative and contact the CSA on your behalf and discuss the legal issues that are unique to your situation.
- Having assisted many clients over the years, my experience tells me that most people are simply looking for a fair settlement having regard to their legal rights.
- We pride ourselves on being able to explain to you what is a reasonable expectation at an early stage in the process